FAQ Subjects

Question: What is the "My Library" account?


Your "My Library" account is a way to access your account online. You can request items, find a list of items you have checked out or have requested, and a list of any fines your owe. You can also renew some items. 

If you have not yet logged on to "My Library" you will first need to register for it. To do so, go to https://mulibiiidb.marshall.edu/patroninfo, enter your last name and MUID#, and click "Submit." You will then be prompted to create a password according with the following guidelines:

  • Password is 6-30 characters long
  • Contains LETTERS and NUMBERS (ex. 5swan54)
  • Has NO special characters or punctuation (ex. !-@$.)
  • Letters or numbers are not repeated 2 or more times (ex. abcabc, ababab, 080808, a1a1a1, 19801980a)

Email circ@marshall.edu if you forgot your password of if you need assistance.

Answered By: Kelli Johnson
Last Updated: Oct 07, 2021 Views: 120