FAQ Subjects

Question: How do I print?


The easiest way to print is via HerdPrint, which allows you to send documents from either MU computer workstations or your personal devices (phone, tablet, or laptop). Please note that this can only be used on campus.

To use this service:

1. Go to the HerdPrint website (https://www.marshall.edu/herdprint/) and enter your MU username and password.

2. Upload the document you wish to print. (If you upload the wrong document, select it and press "Delete").

3. Select printing options in the bottom right corner of the screen. Here you may choose Black and White or Color printing, single- or double-sided, etc. Please note that printing charges will vary based on your selected options. (Black and white printing is $0.10 per page; color is $0.25.)

4. Ensure you have sufficient HerdPoints ($1 = 1 point) on your MU ID card to print your document. To add points to your card, you may use the kiosk in the vending area between the Study Center and the Drinko Learning Commons, which accepts cash, credit, or debit cards. You may also use the Campus Card Accounts website to add them online.

4. Find a printer. Printers are located in the Study Center (Drinko Library 1st Floor), as well as the 2nd and 3rd floors, near the elevators.

5. At the printer, there will be a computer workstation displaying print requests by username. Tap your MU ID on the card reader and select your document. Review the cost of printing.

6. If all is OK, press Print and then Log Off.

For more information, including the locations of other printers on campus, see Information Technology's Duplication and Printing page.


Answered By: Stephen Tipler
Last Updated: May 04, 2021 Views: 1245