FAQ Subjects

Question: What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?


Interlibrary Loan (or ILL) is a service that allows Marshall University students, distance students, faculty, and staff to borrow electronic and physical items which MU Libraries do not own or which have already been loaned out for long periods. Other libraries (from around the country and world) allow Marshall students, faculty, and staff to borrow items they own and vice-versa.

Items that can be requested include articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, music recordings, music scores, DVDs, and theses.

Learn more about it here - https://www.marshall.edu/library/findborrowrequest/ 

Fine policies are located here - https://www.marshall.edu/library/services/fines/


Answered By: Stephen Tipler
Last Updated: Dec 14, 2022 Views: 91