FAQ Subjects

Question: View / Modify Outstanding ILL Requests


Outstanding requests are requests that are still in process. They do not include items that are checked out, canceled, or articles that you have already received.

Log in to ILL using your MU username and password for single sign-on.

Press the button "View/Modify Outstanding Requests." Selecting the appropriate transactions number link for the request will display a detailed information page.

View/Modify Outstanding Requests: Use this button to view, edit, or cancel those requests that are still in process.

Checked Out Items: Use this button to view or renew items checked out to your account.

View Request History: Use this button to see all your completed requests. Completed requests are photocopies you have already received and loans you have returned.

View/Resubmit Canceled Requests: Use this button to view or resubmit any request which you have canceled or which have been canceled by Interlibrary Loan staff.

If you have trouble locating a request, or are experiencing other difficulties, please contact the Information Delivery Services office at (304) 696-4011 / (304) 696-2321 or libserv@marshall.edu.

You may also edit your outstanding request by changing information or providing additional information. See the panel "Editing Requests" here.

To see the status of a request, select the appropriate transaction number link and scrol to the bottom of the page.


Answered By: Stephen Tipler
Last Updated: Aug 17, 2020 Views: 34