Question: How do I post to the discussion board in Blackboard?


You may find that you need to post to the discussion board for your Blackboard class. 

  • Log in to Blackboard and click on your course from your Course List.
  • Using the navigational buttons on the left of the screen, select the Discussion Board tab. 

Blackboard navigational buttons, discussion board circled

  • This will bring up all your discussion forums (subjects) for your course.
  • Select the one you need to create a post on.
  • Click the Create Thread button located near the top of the next screen. 

Create thread button for blackboard discussion board

  • This will pull up a template for you to fill in for your post (a subject line is required and you'll type your response to the discussion in the text box below it). 
    • TIP: We recommend always typing your responses/posts in Microsoft Word first and then copy and paste in to the text box in Blackboard. Blackboard will time out on you after a certain period of time if it thinks you are not doing anything in there and when you type in the text boxes in Blackboard, it does not detect that action - so to be safe, type in Word first and then copy and paste it to Blackboard!
  • When you are finished typing your post, click the Submit button at the bottom. 
  • This will make your post available to view by your classmates and instructor.

Answered By: Gillian Sochor
Last Updated: Jun 22, 2018 Views: 153