FAQ Subjects

Question: How do I reserve a computer or study space in Drinko Library?


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic you will need to reserve a computer or work space in Drinko Library.  For social distancing, we have reduced the number of available spaces.  

To reserve your space go to https://marshall.libcal.com/r; click "Reserve"; select location, zone and capacity (maximum capacity in any space will be 1); chose your space.

You will receive a confirmation email.

When you arrive at your space at your appointment time, check in using the link from the confirmation email or the QR code at the space.  

Make sure to wipe down the area with the sanitizing supplies (located on each floor) before and after you use it. 

Check out when you are done!

These measures allow us to do contact tracing if needed.

*Do NOT move the furniture

* Always wear a mask when you are in the building  

Contact circ@marshall.edu, 304-696-2321, or https://libguides.marshall.edu/ask-a-librarian with questions.

Answered By: Kelli Johnson
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2020 Views: 427