FAQ Subjects

Question: How can faculty place items on reserve?


To place an physical item on reserve, faculty will fill out this form: https://www.marshall.edu/library-forms/reserverequests/; drop their personal materials off in the drop box/MU materials will be pulled by staff.

Students will request reserve materials the same way they request other materials (through the catalog, searching reserves https://mulibiiidb.marshall.edu/search/r), they will pick up using the no-touch process (see above)  OR they can place an ILL request for ONE chapter at a time.

Faculty will need to choose one option physical check outs OR ILL fulfillment for students.  

** When reserves (like all materials) are returned they will be quarantined for 72 hours per ALA guidelines http://www.ala.org/alcts/preservationweek/resources/pandemic


Answered By: Kelli Johnson
Last Updated: Aug 31, 2020 Views: 27