FAQ Subjects

Question: How to change a "My Library" account password


If you need to change the password for your My Library Account:

Go to the My Library account login page. (A link is also available under the SERVICES drop-down tab on the MU Libraries homepage.)

Click the button labeled Forget Your PIN? (pictured) located at the bottom left of the green box in the center of the webpage. 

Type your full name and 901# in the form, and click Submit.

Check your Marshall University e-mail inbox and look for an e-mail titled "Request to reset your library PIN." Click the link provided.

You will be taken to a form asking for your full name, Marshall ID number, and your new password. All passwords must follow these guidelines (noncompliant passwords will not work!):

Password is 6-30 characters long
Contains LETTERS and NUMBERS (ex. 5swan54)
Has NO special characters or punctuation (ex. !-@$.)
Letters or numbers are not repeated 2 or more times (ex. abcabc, ababab, 080808, a1a1a1, 19801980a)

E-mail circ@marshall.edu if you need further assistance.


Answered By: Paul Turner
Last Updated: Dec 09, 2020 Views: 57